Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Happy Blog-Day to Me

Today is "Ralph"'s blog-day. The first post appeared on November 30, 2004.

It's been an interesting year. As I noted in the CARG session in Philadelphia, I thought blogging might limit the sense of isolation I felt as an independent scholar working at home, and it did, to some extent. The conversations that take place online are "real" conversations, as real as any exchange of letters in the old days, only faster. But, besides that motivation, I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do with a blog when I started, and I still don't, not really. I periodically have the itch to write, but not necessarily the time or the patience to write something long, so writing a readable and interesting (at least to me) blog post a few times a week is both a good exercise for the writing muscles and a convenient way to scratch the writing itch.

I told myself when I began that I would be "true to Ralph," by which I meant that I would write only about what interested me, and on topics that I might have some kind of insight to contribute, not just to fill up space or attract readers. I determined early on not to blog about either politics or sports; the first bores me, and the second bores everyone else. Other than that, I've ranged far and wide and I have not tried to limit myself to a narrow set of topics (although I keep returning to the Bible and its languages). But despite my best intentions, looking back, I wonder why I bothered writing some posts, and can only plead that blogging sometimes became an end in itself. "Blogito ergo sum." My intent, if not always my practice, however, has remained firm, and I still will try to remain "true to Ralph." I hope all of you will keep coming by from time to time to see if I succeed.


SH said...

Happy birthday indeed! And may Ralph reach 120 years! :)

Dr. Joseph Ray Cathey said...


Why don't you blog on your "deadly hands" sometime? It was such an honor meeting you in Philly! Please don't ever give up on Ralph - you have so much to offer us!


Anonymous said...

1) Deadly Hands?

2) Feel free to Blog on the Bengals anytime you want!!


Anonymous said...

Alles Gute zum Ge-Blogs-tag!

(... and many happy returns.)

Jan-Wim Wesselius said...

Please continue the good work, if only because without Ralph I would still be ignorant of the existence of mondegreens and many other interesting things.

EMC said...

Many thanks to all those who have left comments or noted the anniversary in their own blogs!

Weekend Fisher said...

Happy (belated) blog-day.